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The place where you lose
the trail is not necessarily
the place where it ends.

Tom Brown, Jr



Lost Arrow Studios is the compilation of Nathan's photo portfolio. Nathan was born and raised in Ojai, California where he grew up surrounded by the beauty of nature. However, it wasn’t until after he graduated from the University of Colorado at Boulder in 2013 that he returned to the Ojai Valley to discover his passion for conservation and nature photography.

Nathan’s work focuses on documenting indigenous landscapes to help advocate for the preservation of natural and cultural resources. The two subjects he is most passionate about photographing are Native American rock art sites and wildflower blooms in the spring. Nathan currently works for the Ojai Valley Land Conservancy, a non-profit organization dedicated to protecting the open spaces, natural scenic beauty, wildlife, habitat, and watershed of the Ojai Valley for future generations.

His work at the conservancy consists of land stewardship, leading volunteer projects, and restoring native habitats. He also stands as a contributing photographer for the conservancy. Nathan’s images can be found online on the conservancy’s social media platforms and published in their quarterly newsletter, “Open Spaces”.

© 2023 Beth Wickstrum