Home Trees Creations Logo on Home Page

Coloring Books and Journals by BethFriendship HatsJam CreationsVegan Gluten Free InspirationsLost Arrow Studios Photographs by NathanOjai Treks Hiking Blog by BethHome Trees Mom Allie's Mom BlogWickstrum Stovall Favorite Recipes

Welcome to Home Trees

Home Trees grew out of a place our grandchildren called home. They traveled between two homes for a few years so home was always Home Trees regardless of the house. This website evolved out of all the creative endeavors we do as a family group and became the vehicle for sharing our work. A virtual Home Trees.

Nathan is a stunning Nature Photographer and you will be amazed at his portfolios in Lost Arrow Studios. He has an eye for framing and capturing the scene that imbues emotions from the viewer. Every photo tells a story. The outdoors is his calling and he is always prepared for a spectacular sunset. You will notice that he has photos all over the web! He likes to spread his photos around so be sure to check out all the links and grab a free wallpaper while you are there. Nathan is the photographer for the Ojai Valley Land Conservancy and has had some of his images published in the "Thomas Fire" book. Enjoy his work.

We have started making Journals and Coloring Books on Amazon Kindle Direct. This has been a fun and interesting project with so many possibilities and artistic outlets.

Jam making became a hobby for Allie and Beth. Our first experience making jam happened because we had an abundance of apricots. We learned mostly by our mistakes, so we had to accept our failures and keep trying. Website Design and Jam Making are not exact sciences!  Making jam is a tedious process and it takes a lot of love and patience. We love giving jams as gifts, hostess presents and just spur of the moment surprises, especially as a thank you! Our recipes are on the Jam Creations page if you want to try your hand at canning. Yes, the Strawberry Jalapeno Jam recipe is there too!

We started making Friendship Hats as a way for our grandchildren to learn the art of giving. If you received a Friendship Hat from us, please add to the story by clicking on the Friendship Hat Story link.

Vegan and Gluten Free recipes evolved because Beth moved from being a vegetarian to a vegan and Allie developed a gluten allergy. We will be posting recipes soon.

Ojai Treks is a journal of hikes taken after the Thomas Fire. This was an emotional time for us seeing our cherished valley burn. Our impressions, emotions and even awe inspiring moments are chronicled. We went through a lot of heartache.


Enjoy your visit to Home Trees!

© 2023 Beth Wickstrum

creativelinks lostarrow recipes jamcreations allieblog friendshiphats ojaitreks vegan